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Sudanese Alfalfa
( Medicago sativa L)



Alfalfa :


Alfalfa is a fast-growing herbaceous plant that is used as green fodder for animals that consume large quantities of it and helps to fertilize the soil, as it absorbs nitrogen from the atmosphere, taking its need from it and storing the rest in the soil for fertilization.


Alfalfa is considered one of the most important foods for animals because it contains a high protein content and also contains high amino acids that help in milk production. 


Alfalfa has become an important strategic crop in supporting the economy. It is an excellent animal feed and works as a green fertilizer to fertilize the soil

The most important countries importing alfalfa:
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- United Arab Emirates
- China
- Japan
- South Korea
Together, these countries account for 84% of the total global demand for alfalfa


Alfalfa specifications:




3- Moisture



More Info

 The scientific name for alfalfa:  Medicago sativa L

 English name: Alfalfa

 Belongs to the legume family: Fam. Leguminoseae

- It is called by several names in Arab countries that differ from one country to another:

 - It is called Jet in Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia

 - It is called Hijazi alfalfa in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Sudan

-  It is called the rod in Yemen

 The word Alfalfa is an Arabic word that means good fodder
Alfalfa is called the king of fodder or the king of forage for the following reasons:

 1- It tolerates bad climatic and ground conditions because it is

-Resistant to drought -Resistant to high and low temperatures

-Resistant to high salinity -Tolerant of soil alkalinity

So it is widespread in the world

2 - It gives a large yield when compared to other fodder crops

 Because it is multi-harvested and perennial

3- It gives a fodder crop throughout the year, winter and summer

4- It is possible to make threshing or silage from it without greatly compromising the nutritional value and degree of palatability

5- Characterized by a high degree of palatability

6- An important component of Maxtures and is good with most starches and gives an excellent mixture of fodder in quantity and quality

than if planted alone.

7- Stabilizes a large amount of atmospheric nitrogen amounting to 15-50 kg / dunum.

8- The flour made from it can be substituted for cereals in livestock feeding

9-The gain can be manufactured from it and feed animals on it

10 - Its nutritional value is high as it is:


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